Work is a daily activity or routine that you must go through. Indeed, every job you choose will have some risks, one of which is working nights or night shifts. For those of you workers who have working hours like this, need special attention to health.
Often times, workers who have working hours like this have health problems, such as insomnia, obesity, dizziness and others. Therefore, here are tips for you workers.
Overwhelm that Annoying Night Shift
Eat enough, healthy and nutritious
For those of you who work night shifts, it's always a good idea to eat healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits. So, if you feel hungry at night, you can eat fruits that are healthier than instant food. Or even better if you bring food from home that is clearly healthier than buying food outside.
For snacks, you can bring fruit or bread and avoid eating fried foods between work. Frying will only add to your calories and fat.
Regular exercise
Even though you work with a shift system, this is not your reason not to do sports. Do light exercise such as walking, running, or doing other small exercise movements. You can exercise at least 3 times a week to keep your body in shape.
Enough sleep
Working the night shift is no excuse for not sleeping. If possible, you can take advantage of sleeping at rest or 30 minutes before leaving for work, which will make your body feel fresher. And the rest you can use to rest after coming home from work.
Normally, enough sleep is for 7-9 hours for adults. Enough sleep time makes you more focused on work. In addition, it can also prevent you from risking diseases, such as heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
Consume mineral water
It should be noted that water is needed as much as 70 percent in the human body and this makes it the second most important substance after oxygen. Therefore, increasing the consumption of mineral water is one way to keep your body healthy and not dehydrated.
Avoid consuming caffeine or energy drinks
For workers, consuming drinks containing caffeine or energy enhancers is a common way to relieve drowsiness. However, it would be better if not or reduce drinks that contain caffeine or energy enhancers.
Therefore, these drinks can cause dehydration and difficulty sleeping. In addition, these drinks contain too much sugar which can lead to weight gain.